Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Privileged Season 2 Episode 6

All About Appearances

Megan's relationship issues with the opposite sex reach a new level when she realizes that Jacob is still interested in his ex-girlfriend and Charlie decides to put the brakes on their friendship. Meanwhile, Laurel is persuaded by Megan to include Sage and Rose in her marketing campaign.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Privileged Season 2 Episode 5

All About Friends and Family

Laurel gives Megan the task of chaperoning the twins' pool party, thus forcing her to cancel plans for a spa weekend with Jacob. Meanwhile, Charlie confesses to Marco that he is in love with Megan, and Megan is convinced by Rose to invite Lily to the pool party.

Privileged Season 2 Episode 4

All About the Power Position

Megan is shocked when she finds an adult DVD in Rose's bookbag, but even more shocked when Rose reveals that she is not a virgin and is planning on having sex with her current boyfriend. Meanwhile, Sage invites Lily out to a restaurant to dig up dirt on Megan and the two end up drinking together, something that infuriates Megan. Finally, Megan is worried when she thinks that Jacob might be losing interest in her.

Privileged Season 2 Episode 3

 All About What You Really, Really Want

After Rose is told that she must repeat her freshman year of high school due to poor grades, Megan visits the headmaster and tries to get her a second chance. However, a connection sparks between the headmaster and Megan and she later accepts a date with him - causing Charlie to feel jealous.

Privileged Season 2 Episode 2

All About Honesty

Megan is ecstatic to be attending a gala event of the rich and famous where Laurel introduces her to several influential individuals. However, the event turns sour when Megan gets into a heated argument with her sister Lily, Rose spots her ex-boyfriend with another girl, and Megan has to rescue both Rose and Sage after the two get caught driving without a license.

Privileged Season 2 Episode 1


Megan Smith, a recent graduate from Yale University unable to find success in the journalism field, accepts a job offer from Laurel Limoges - tutoring her two snobby, stuck-up billionaire twin granddaughters with the hopes of getting them into Duke University

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Privileged Season 2 Episode 1

Watch here....

Originally called Surviving the Filthy Rich, this CW drama is an adaptation of the popular Zoey Dean novel How to Teach Filthy Rich Girls. In the series, Yale graduate Megan Smith recently moves to Manhattan with hopes of finding success in the field of journalism. However, when her plans go wrong, she accepts a job as the live-in tutor helping two wealthy high school students in Palm Springs get accepted at a top university. Privileged, from Alloy Entertainment in association with Warner Bros. Television and CBS Paramount Network Television., has reveived a 13 episode contract from The CW Television Network. The executive producers are Gilmore Girls' Rina Mimoun and Gossip Girl's Bob Levy and Leslie Morgenstein. 30 Rock's Michael Engler directed the pilot.
Though Privileged has attracted great reviews and a very devoted audience, the ratings just haven’t reflected the show’s quality.
With such poor numbers, the series is almost certainly destined to be cancelled after just one season and 18 episodes. The season ended with unresolved storylines and viewers will very likely be left hanging.
Do you think that the CW network should keep trying to find an audience for the show? Does it belong on another network, like Lifetime? Would you like to see the show continue or, at the very least, see the series come to a satisfying conclusion? If so, there are a few things that you can do.
Tell your friends and family members to tune in and watch Privileged, whenever it show sup. Maybe one of them is secretly a “Nielsen family” or knows one. Viewers are what matter most to the network.
Write to the CW. Let the network know how you feel about the show. Remember to keep it civil. Everyone responds best to courtesy.
Sign the petition below and let the network execs know you’ve signed it. Spread the word and ask others to do the same.

Watch here....